Alida Hair Remover Mitt for Legs - Instructions for use
As with all depilatories please read the instructions carefully before use
Do not use more than once a week to avoid irritation
This product is for use on leg areas only
Do not use on broken or inflamed skin
Test on a small area of skin first, leaving overnight. If irritation occurs, discontinue use
This product is not suitable for all hair types
Please read the instructions carefully before use
1. Skin must be clean and dry
2. Slide mitt onto hand, hold against the skin and rub gently x 4 times in one direction and then x 4 times in the opposite direction. Any fine dust is a result of exfoliation
3. When finished, apply a cool, damp flannel to legs and then use a moisturiser. Continue to moisturise regularly over the next few days to avoid skin dryness. The mitts are reuseable, change as required.